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Please select the level in which the student is registered in order to make a payment. If the student has not registered for classes, please contact us at (302) 734-9717 to register.

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PLUS Program: All–inclusive Classical Ballet and Musical Theatre Programs allow

the students to be enrolled in all their evaluated classes for one fee. THE REGULAR

Program: Those that would prefer to only take Ballet, Jazz and Beginner Tap classes

can do so under the Regular Program tuition rates.


• Tuition is due at the student’s first class of the semester or month. A $ 5.00 billing fee

will be added to each billing statement sent.

• There is a $ 35.00 charge for a returned check.

• Tuition is a PROGRAM Fee and is not based on the number of classes per week.

• There is a $ 15.00 Registration fee each year. Students dropping out from the program

need to inform the school in writing 14 days before they stop attending classes.

Otherwise their billing cycle will continue.

Reapplication fee of $ 15.00 for students who have missed a payment

installment and re–enrolls in the program .


• Makeup classes may be done only during the tuition period the student has paid for.

• Makeup classes are for students who cannot make their regular classes.

• 1st & 2nd members of a family pay full tuition. The rest pay half tuition 

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